Saturday, January 27, 2007

Food for Thought

You know, life's not just about cute shoes and great chocolate. No, really. Which is why I am so excited about having a local chapter of Dining for Women. Dining for Women is a giving circle that helps women and children in developing countries. Translation: once a month, a bunch of very cool and interesting women of all ages come to my house, bringing with them (a) something yummy and (2) their checkbooks. We eat, have great conversation, and at the end of the evening, we learn about the program designated to receive our donations that month. Then, we give whatever we might have spent on eating out to Dining for Women, which collects money from chapters nationwide and sends it to that month's charity. We started the chapter in November, and we have already helped support micro-credit programs in Africa and Guatemala, and a women's shelter in Iraq. If you don't have a chapter in your area, it's very easy to start one. Just check out!


Anonymous said...

That Sounds Like a Great Organization!!! Thanks, Joelle!

And :P about Nicholas Sparks. I am sappy that way.

Marsha said...


It's Marsha and Barb with Dining for Women!

Thanks for the good words about Dining for Women. It's folks like you that help us achieve our mission.

Let us know how we can help you spread the word!