Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Lettuce Be Well-dressed

Salad days are here again! Who really feels like cooking when it's hot? (Yes, I know some of you never feel like cooking -- I'm not naming any names here. You know who you are). In honor of my current favorite meal, let's talk dressing. Here are a few of my favorites.

Brianna's Real French Vinaigrette. This is my all-time favorite bottled salad dressing. It's a classic vinaigrette, not too sweet like a lot of balsamics can be. No added sugar, all natural, and generally...yum.

Annie's Naturals Organic Papaya Poppy Seed Dressing has won over many a visitor to my house. It's fruity and sweet, almost like a French dressing, but much, much better.

Girard's Light Champagne Dressing is a new one for me, but is quickly becoming a favorite. In addition to being half the calories of the other dressings in my fridge, it's delicious, with a light, mustardy tang. (Because calories be d*$#ed, if something tastes bad, I'm not going to put it on my salad!)

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