Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Since getting involved in fair trade, I've felt somewhat guilty about my occasional forays to World Market, but in searching their website, I was happy to discover that although they are not fair trade, they're not completely devoid of a social conscience. They are carrying a collection by Novica, National Geographic's fair trade, artisan-made products, and all of their outdoor furniture is made with environmentally-friendly acacia wood.

And that's my justification for showing you these super-cute containers. That, and the fact that they are super-cute, and match my Fiestaware. www.worldmarket.com, $17.94. Oh, and despite the fact that little glass jars are a popular way to store spices, having them in an opaque container actually keeps them from deteriorating as fast. (Note: for those of you who are paying attention, this is another justification for why I should immediately discard all of my glass spice jars and buy these new ones.)

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