Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Trump Cardamom

I've recently discovered the joys of freshly ground cardamom. In fact, all I've really done with it is use it to flavor a banana smoothie. Well, that, and smell it obsessively after grinding it in my mortar and pestle. And I might have rubbed a little on my fingers in some sort of perfume replacement experiment. But all that aside...ahem...it's good stuff! Perfect with bananas, and I'm already envisioning all the baked goods that would benefit from the addition. I think the key is to grind it when you need it. All of my favorite cookbooks recommend freshly ground spices, but until now, I ignored them. Turns out they knew what they were talking about. Who knew?

I've been shopping around for the best (read: cheapest without being sketchy) place to buy spices, and right now, World Market is a clear winner, but they don't sell them online, so if there's not a store in your area, good luck.

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