Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Color Me Yellow

It may not be possible for a human being to own a color, but if it were, this is the color I would buy first. There it is, third from the top. Not quite mustard, not quite gold. My dining room is this color and something about it makes you want to make yourself at home and stay awhile. I also have a one of a kind, gorgeous bracelet from Unique Batik in shades of this yellow. I got the last one from Sharon, thinking I would buy it for myself, but somehow a customer found it and bought it. I was pretty sad, but managed to survive by focusing on other things (like -- where can I find the perfect flats in this color?). Then, it came back to me! Unbeknownst to me the customer returned it, and my assistant manager gave it to me for Christmas. I love that girl!

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