Monday, March 17, 2008

You Can Pick Your Friends and Now...

You can pick your nose.

I'm not sure what the perfect occasion would be for nose cups, but there must be one.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sack It to Me

This year instead of just trying to break your bad habits, what about picking up some new good habits? Here's one to pick up - literally. Worldwide, we use over one million plastic bags per minute. You didn't read that wrong. One million per minute. The average American family takes home 1500 plastic bags per year. Sea turtles aside, wouldn't you like to keep them from piling up in that closet? Here's a simple, stylish, and inexpensive solution. Buy a pack of five for $37.95 and keep them in your glove box so you'll always have a few on hand., $8.50

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Pineapple Teapots And So Forth

It seems inevitable with the current trend towards all things naturalistic in home decor that majolica will experience a revival. Much of it straddles that fine line between fascinatingly ornate and over-the-top tacky, but some things are just beautiful, like these tiles (which can be found on Ebay), and the work of contemporary artist Christine Viennet. Equally as fascinating and over-the-top is the story of the man who invented majolica, Bernard Palissy. Check out an abbreviated version at Wikipedia.

Kawaii, Desu Ne?

This is the best of Japanese cuteness. In addition to inventing miso soup, they have the happiest cartoon characters and the most creative use of English. All yours for the price of a handkerchief.

Sakura's Happy Box (Ebay store)
From $2.00

Friday, March 14, 2008

Madmartigan and Again

Is it just me or is Val Kilmer due for a comeback? I mean, I haven't actually seen him in anything for about 500 years, nor is there any particular reason I should be anticipating his comeback...let's just say it's my intuition.